Universal AI Pause

3 votes

Too often, I'm sitting down for dinner with my family, and suddenly AI me is emailing a client or potential client to ask them if they have time for me to call.
All of a sudden, I am faced with either interrupting quality time with my family, or awkwardly ignoring an invitation that "I" made to have an important conversation.

We're Realtors, we have ridiculous hours. But we should be able to pause the system, or certain parts of it, to enjoy our personal time and our families.

Ideally, it has contextual intelligence, so when it's back on in the morning (or after vacation), it references the time frame that it was triggered, ie:

"Hi Cierra,

I saw you were checking out 4750 N Central Avenue R2 last night. Do you have time for a call?


Under consideration Raiya Suggested by: Michael Millet Upvoted: 24 Mar Comments: 1

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